this post will take all day...on and least. but to Begin,
Uncertainty Principles. Now that she is unavailable, i need to find my own links. I had relied on her.
Uncertainty Principles. "in quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which the values for certain pairs of physical quantities of a particle, such as position, x, and momentum, p, can be predicted from initial conditions." wikipedia
this fragment of cloth, or part of, is what i have referred to as The Michelle for years now. Way back in my beginning with Spirit Cloth (she was already there), she sent it to me. Pieces of it have become parts of so many things i've made. There is little left. I searched and found it yesterday, this morning at First Light, pinned it to this Letter Blanket, this Fire Blanket, this How To Live Blanket...pinned it down there on bottom right, next to the oh so precious scrap i am placing here to identify self, or, human being with the equally oh so precious scrap i identify as a Protector.
Michelle and i entertained similar imaginings/understandings about what becomes of human beings after death. I think about all this now and because it was how she Identified, Ms. Uncertainty Principles, i am thinking in terms of particles.
Night now.
we ended up going to Hang Out with the Goats at Camelot. Yesterday there was a new evacuation warning for Paradise, where Camelot is...close to. So we went, in case we couldn't. In case everything might Change. We gave them salted peanuts in the shell that went over really well. They are fine. There are clip boards hanging just outside their accommodations detailing care. We saw that all their hooves have been trimmed. When we got back we cleaned out the Chicken Place straw, all rearranged and by the time it was done, the MOON was on the rise.
so it's going to take some time. Maybe a long time for me to think about Michelle. and that's ok. Today i thought a lot about how there were those three flights of stairs that she went Down and then back UP. Over and over. Every day. I close my eyes and see her doing this. Michelle. In my mind, i always called her....Mychelle. i had told her that. She laughed.