i followed the advice of Typepad who said they are not going to correct the problems with Comments...their
advice to buy the Discus thing
which i did, Alyssia working on that all afternoon, mostly transferring the years of comments from
the only other alternative Typepad offered was a non threaded version which my guess is won't last long
and here i am this morning in the dark unable to figure out how to make a comment myself....?......
i am missing Michelle. I keep wanting it to be a mistake. There is an aching Hole.
Just now there is a hummingbird flitting around that blossom i posted yesterday...it made a SOUND
i've never heard that before...there is a tiny chirring sound?????? not wings...but a Voice???????
i need to just breathe for a while. Will try the commenting again later.
Love and Love to US and i am sorry for the disruption here