jude used the expression a few days ago. i smiled cause it's been on my mind for quite a while. Today, fits even more.
so...in what i guess was a stressed response to not being able to "connect", set into motion in a big way by Michelle's leave taking, i tried to FIX things by switching to this new comment system. Disqus. I DO NOT LIKE IT. it is visually intrusive, the soft peacefulness of Typepad Comments is gone. There is the sign in thing. I guess how that works is to click whatever you are already connected to, say....Google....type in your name which would be your email and then the password for that...ie your google password. Alyssia thinks that might only need to happen once? I don't know. But it's cumbersome. NOT user friendly. I have to do that with Wordpress and often it means i don't comment. So the outcome is not what i'd hoped. And then....this morning, i find that i can no longer even read, let alone comment, on anyone's Typepad comments???????? not Jude or Hazel or Acey.
am bummed.
so i will just sit quiet with it all for a while. I don't know what else to do.