the bouquet...most recent from Emrie.
She is dead. Dead. She died on October 11th. Dead.
This morning i thought....Where is Joanna? and i went to Future Primitive Podcast to see that yes. She has died and today is a Memorial on the Future Primitive Face Book Page. I go there. It's the most Beauty Full memorial i have ever many people loved her and told their story of that love in such extremely personal and specific ways, .... as befitting her, their love for her.
She was a Woman. so much ALL a Woman. In the time of the podcasts, she had softened and mellowed and croned. All that was left of her Womanness was
Wanting to know.
Deep tender Love. Really deep. Really tender. Love.
after the memorial, i needed to Give Water and i thought....She is FREE now. Having no particular form.....i can ASK her....Joanna...come down there with me. And she did. We sat as i watered the final things of this cycle. Being free of a body, she was very quiet and whispy but as always....INTERESTED
i realized i could ask her questions, like she had always asked questions of others...i could ask her questions? do you think????? her now dead form.......her Dis~embodied Beingness She would Laugh at this. I know her laugh.....the thick loving sound of her do dead people "think"?
Joanna. you. like so many, i have never seen, face to face. But i KNOW you and know that you will KNOW me if i ask
i ask.
please. know me. Come here. Hang out. I can be made more whole with your Joy, your Curiosity, your Wonder, your Fierceness, your so so total WOMAN~Ness Such love, to you, Joanna Harcourt~Smith....GO! and STAY! both,
GO and are needed in these times.