wanted to make Beauty Full repairs.
all winter.
didn't. could have, but didn't.
so now it's spring and the futon couch cover is needed on the little sofa bed couch thing i sleep on. That the kids sit on when they're here. i originally stitched this denim cover together years ago under the Spell of inspiration of Jude. Jude Hill. Spirit Cloth. by hand. There was talk of Tikkun Olam but I did not allow enough seam allowance and the denim, often worn, pulled away. The denim from the Thrift Shop in Socorro, New Mexico. Where i lived. lived. Writing that, i feel a little homesick. I made an agreement with Self this morning at dawn. Every day, first thing, i will repair one of those threadbare seams in any way it happens. Get it done. This morning i did two. one extra. Maybe some day i can make them Beauty Full. But for now, they just need to hold.