this will be a Challenge
a very elongated key hole garden. but all the seedlings are planted. Either in pots, grow bags, OR today, because i ran out of garden soil, direct. I'd been blending purchased soil with the Goat mix that i'd been digging by the feed shed...Goat shit, the native dirt and hay scrap, urine and rain. what i dig there has almost completely decomposed into Soil. Jenny brought the wrong thing... a Garden Soil Amendment. I was bummed but ended up playing it by ear and will learn a lot from what happens. At the far end, all the containers....they will be moved around. to the right of them, i'll cover with more cardboard to make the other side of the long key hole and as i look as i write this, it will be more like a big question mark. Which is perfect for this 2021 Effort of B. There are some seeds yet to plant but for the most part, i can move back to working in the Wall Garden which is Neglected and being reclaimed. Mourning Dove sang, CROW, for the first time stopped, just up the way and many yellow butterflies.
to Consider: " most white people raised in the US, i was not taught to see myself in racial terms and certainly not to draw attention to my race or behave as if it mattered in any way. Of course, i was made aware that ..italics.....somebody's... end italics race mattered, and if race was discussed, it would be theirs, not mine. Yet a critical component of cross-racial skill building is the ability to sit with the discomfort of being seen racially, of having to proceed as if our race matters (which it does). Being seen racially is a common trigger of white fragility, and thus, to build stamina, white people must face the first challenge: naming our race." Robin Diangelo