the "flannel boarding" continues
i interpreted it as Stuck.... the slide show in my head....stuck, like something was wrong with the Projector, or maybe the slides themselves.....but today, Re Viewing again, after the again and again and again, i realized it is just that i am unable to understand these two things. So they, i guess, will remain until i Listen. And maybe i have begun to do that this evening. Giving water to the potato plants at A, a LOOOONG process, i suddenly decided i needed to know what all this giving water was doing...or....not doing. to face it. I began moving the earth, the amended earth away from one of them, digging my hands through layer and layer, scooping it up and over and down and all that time with the hose positioned had in reality only soaked in so little. it was hard to believe how little. and i made my way to the bottom to find such a small root system considering the size of the plant its Self. There were some small, very small potatoes. I washed one off and chewed was snappy and bright and Potato ie. but the size ummmmmm the size of a marble. it is Clear now. Yes. i CAN grow potatoes. But for them to actually FEED people, it is clear that a drip system is absolutely needed. The daily hose is not enough. When i came back up, i looked on the Calendar. Except for 2 days, i have gone there and diligently given with the hose for 75 days.
e v e r y d a y
and recently...this last month, every day with temperatures of 100 and over. This is how it is. This is how it will be.
it's dark now. this day is over. i know more. i need to Face more. and will do that in the morning. Maybe the slide show will
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