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from the glass jar of them up from Garden at B. will use ones on left for shirt i found in that back room. But looking through the jar....i had the urge to bury it somewhere, deep enough to not burn if Fire comes here. For Emrie someday....she might be interested? Care about their existence? then it went on....i could bury SOME different things. Make a map of the sites. Someday she could dig things up. She might be interested, or not. But if she was..... I love the plasticy ones...is it Bakelite? ....the artdeco geometric style? And, of course the abalone, mother of pearl.
and then....LaceLady had sent a link to Box Show Point Reyes ShaSha Higby Cows in Cave and i then went on to Utube to watch Clouds of Fish. Today, if there was anyone i could BE, it would be her.
i have an enormous roll of copper wire out There. What if i had a solder gun? to build FRAMES with the wire? I cant be her, but i could build things?
By tomorrow, this all will have become memory. if that.
Posted at 10:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (21)
found the other old brass safety pin. Put in place.
from another time in my life. But...remaining beauty FULL. The skirt on the right...so gentle a flow of so gentle color...the waist band....stretched out, flaccid. i don't know how it could be fixed. I would wear these in the Mornings...the waking up, before dawn times when the "weather" cools. Now they would be very personal, private things to wear. Just me and the Morning , when i ask to Understand.
Posted at 09:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (14)
jenny will be coming. Any time and i need to be ready.
Stuff says....take that small Cloth out from behind and pin it to the Front........LOOK
Some things had merged simultaneously....things about communication about connection about more, that i don't know
and already, tonight, i am distanced from it. Distanced enough so i can't catch hold of exactly how it was, how it happened, how it FELT and all there is to do is just WAIT until someThing happens again
but it was the first time. I know the uh.....definition.....dissociative state....from all the years working in Psych. But this was FOR me....it was not how i'd previously understood the phenomena....and maybe....i think now....all those years...????maybe it was also FOR those who were "reporting" such???????? What a LOSS, if so.
i am too far from it already to be able to touch what it brought....Jenny came....we trimmed Goat hooves...got 8 done...HUGE effort....of heart and of body....we used that kennel that has sat there since it arrived doing Nothing, but to day, we went in there and lured them in one by one and i was the "milkstand"....i held them with my legs, my knees....facing their tails...held them firmly to prevent escape but not too much so that they were startled and fearful...had to hang on to the chain link of the kennel ...they are STRONG....almost stronger than i can hope to be...they ARE stronger, but they are Goats and they acquiessed because i also dribbled alfalfa pellets into a bowl ...Jenny sat on the ground and lifted one leg then the next...four per Goat X 8 is 32 hooves trimmed....Sonny Ray...that's another story, over there in his space...him too and his hooves were curled inward...not good...but now they are opened and right
tonight. i am so ThankFULL. to just experience all this.
it was a HUGE DAY.
ADDEMDUM!!!!!!!!!! I found the mails i was looking for....All is Well.
Posted at 09:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (5)
in the last storage box, back in the corner on the floor of that back room......
i had just loaded the boxes that had been on those two wall shelving units in the bedroom in New Mex. Didn't look, just put them in the U Haul. it hasn't been opened since i've been here. so it was a great happy surprise this morning, like going shopping. I love it...it is to me like all the Mysteries of Everything. it's Rayon.
and....a few weeks ago two people visited from Spirit Cloth and looked through the SHOP, then emailed wondering about purchasing some of that harem cloth. I responded to them....told them i had only a very small amount left but would send them just a scrap so they could know the joy of it and know what to look for in the thrift shops. I have been searching high and low and cannot find their addresses. Their emails have fallen off into the void...oh, eeee that means it's more than a few weeks????
anyway....to them: If you are reading here....PLEASE email me again...i am SORRY....need addresses. Envelopes are ready to go!
Posted at 08:12 PM | Permalink | Comments (6)
i set Out from this Hill. still....a big deal. Had things i wanted. Ginger root. a small shovel. Cilantro Seed. The mail with my ballot for the recall vote of Newsome. Got all of it.
not being sure why, i took a stack of National Geographics. part of the divesting process for Evacs. I ended up stopping at the Library just this side of the hardware store where i was headed. In keeping with Nancy, pomegranitetrail.blogspot.com, with her love medicine bag mission, i thought to just put the N Geo s somewhere and the somewhere was one of the cement benches that line the Library sidewalk. During the time of Acey's Collage~ing, i'd taken some pages for images. There's always street people, homeless people at those benches. Maybe they would enjoy? After buying the exact shovel i needed, driving back by....they were gone. Maybe 20 minutes. Good.
Posted at 09:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (16)
these came yesterday.
i'd ordered from this seed company in late winter and these were in their catalog. included in the order and received word that they would arrive to my zone ...9...at the appropriate time.
i'd had some Walking Onions in N Mex...Jim, the jewelry maker who i convinced to makes gates for me was also a gardener. Gave them to me and they grew. Back then, i didn't use the internet to know things...still the card catalog at the Library days, and he didn't know a lot either, just liked them. I used the leaf blades like chives. Didn't eat the little bulbettes that blossom out at the top...unsure....but now, i know that they are FINE and if you like onions, are wonder FULL additions to Anything...whole or otherwise. I don't know what happened to that part of the gardenyard...something about when the tree there died? or.....it's in the don't need to know card in that Rolodex of the Mind. Just remember that they were Happy to grow.
i'll plant some at B and i think also at the 3 connections for water in this system...one at A for the Pear Plumcot and Grape Vines, at the outside the A space where i turn on water and then outside the fence of B...again, where i turn on water...all 3 places leak a little. it might be enough. I'll also put some where the hose is that i turn on to fill the Doe Goat water tub at the Curry House, i turn on the hose at the beginning of Pellet Feeding each eve and it runs a while to cool it down from the heat of the day. There too. Who Knows?
and SECOND....we are BACK to the old Typepad Comment Format. Months ago, when i complained to Typepad about the Ifyness of Comments, they had suggested switching to DISQUS and i had believed them. It has since been a small nightmare...like having gone into a small claustrophobic room and turning, realizing there was no door knob. Today, reading Jude's energy at Feel Free, i thought...i gotta TRY to get out of this room....and I filled out the Help Ticket and TA DA....we are BACK! We are BACK to the old tried and true ify system....but at least there's air here, at least it's only ify . Ify is OK. I am grateful for Ify tonight.
Posted at 09:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (28)
i saw two legs...one with a boot.... part of a tunic. What would the rest of this one look like?....my last piece of printer paper...
i hope you know to double click
the horizontal piece across the top is silk....a WW2 Kimono...all that's left of it. From Rag Stock in Minneapolis. Many of the Fiber Figures...Dolls...the Coyote Women, were of this for body. Beauty Full mars violet....trickster cloth. wish i had reams of it. There's no real reason for it to be there...that i know of.
Posted at 08:35 PM | Permalink | Comments (12)
begins to become a Bird Bath. for those little ones, that are not titmice but Bush Tits. Them. for Them.
i spent mid morning through afternoon at B. Mind full of thoughts about how to build terraced growing spaces, using cut Oak limbs and rocks.
Carried the Janet Chair down and settled Her, putting a wedge of stone under her front right (in pic...left) foot to balance Her. Need more rocks to go around...for sitting after or before bathing. Filled with water
in general, reorganized. arranged chairs and tables. moved the storage tub back into the what was/ is the structure there, that Julian might someday finish.
realized that i need more bushes or plants that can attract pollinators. Will bring up the two crepe myrtle from A. There might be a plant sale...Butte County Master Gardener....Spring canceled due to Covid....Fall????? check in September. Ok.
Posted at 09:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
it's been like a low grade incessantly ongoing everpresent Fever. I think it broke.
While sorting OUT that back room, the last days, i set aside the large piece of rolled up canvas cloth. The Cloth Wall. NEED this morning and hung it, folded in half. and put the two pieces of cloth that have been IN my mind.
i wanted them to Go Together But they couldn't
Cloth Theater. Back Back Back....Cloth Theater. Comes around again and is the remedy.
Posted at 08:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)