begins to become a Bird Bath. for those little ones, that are not titmice but Bush Tits. Them. for Them.
i spent mid morning through afternoon at B. Mind full of thoughts about how to build terraced growing spaces, using cut Oak limbs and rocks.
Carried the Janet Chair down and settled Her, putting a wedge of stone under her front right (in pic...left) foot to balance Her. Need more rocks to go around...for sitting after or before bathing. Filled with water
in general, reorganized. arranged chairs and tables. moved the storage tub back into the what was/ is the structure there, that Julian might someday finish.
realized that i need more bushes or plants that can attract pollinators. Will bring up the two crepe myrtle from A. There might be a plant sale...Butte County Master Gardener....Spring canceled due to Covid....Fall????? check in September. Ok.