as an example. of what i am trying to work with.
those them....this bookmark of a drawing i'd made, that was somewhere back in some years, somewhere back in those manila folders. Do not know where the original drawing is. But this morning, it was propped up against the paper bag here on the Morning Everything Table as SUN rose and at this perfect moment, the bag....which contains bulbs for Egyption Walking Onions, the mailing bag, was Set AGLOW. Illuminated. ILLUMINATED with this drawing leaning into it and i was filled with...........filled with.........what? I was filled with how it is to be alive. To just live. Moment to moment and in those moments, always hoping i can
do better
but i don't. do better. or i SOME do better. But i can't find the place that i call Better. Where i just
i don't allow mySelf to be there. Where i just am. Emrie instructs....we don't know because it has never happened we just say that. I am where i have never been before. and go.