in these last days, i have been deep into what i have called the Reference Cloth. and with Jude's questioning at Spirit Cloth the days of the Magic Diaries, i see that in a certain way, it is a Return to the same point. Magic Diaries was a reference cloth but at the CORE of the Round. the Beginning. All from the first workshops could play out there. And showed its self to be a World of never ending possibility, never ending imaging, never ending stitches. A world of NeverEnding. And it did. And it was and it IS.
What i remembered today was the huge and so WONDER FULL flood of Possibility...and along with that,
I had found. I had found my medium. in ART. i had found my medium. that pulled in what i knew of drawing, of fiber figures, of the longing for diorama. Here, it was possible and so....along came Aspiration. I aspired to create what might resonate, what might in its self inspire story. I imagined that someday, photographs of things i made and words about the making might appear in a
aspire. i google aspiration. a hope or ambition of achieving something. and the example of use given is..."the yawning gulf between aspiration and reality" Smile.
it's 10 years later. the aspiration has faded, like that beautyFULL payne's grey. But all else remains and just Goes and Grows into its own world. Cloth is an element for me. like Fire Air Earth Water. There is no turning back. or , away. it Just Goes.
the first two pics are of Once In A Lifetime Scraps. Crow and the Window through which it speaks to Spirit Then, the Moth which was a scrap of clothing, a french seam i think it would be called, that bent in just that way became instantly a Moth
the third. the second of two, Alyssia has the first. this figure is so pure. so clear. so REAL to me. I don't have words right now. i guess i don't have any more words at all right now.
Magic Diaries.