i know i am always Exclaiming about things...using those words...Brilliant, Stellar, Extraordinary, Beauty FULL, Unbelievable and on and on. It's how i talk. Because it's how i FEEL, experience bursts of Happiness, Delight.
But can i tell it? How can i impart the profound FEELING i had upon the appearance of..................THESE.
i was turning out the soil from the grow bags and landscape pots into the new fake raised bed. My whole self was kind of just mindlessly humming along and suddenly!!!!.....the first one WAS THERE and moving FAST....surprised and wanting to FIX it's sudden startling exposure......i reached down and cupped it in my hand and it flipped out and for a few minutes i couldn't find it but then did and picked it up again to set it gently into the had calmed, i assumed had become intent on it's well being and focusing . ? I sat on my heels a while, just calming myself. Breathing. Realizing what had just taken place. I got another landscape pot and turned it out, and there, ANOTHER. Search for the first and ....this pic. then take them back....Thank them, Say Metta, for them, for me, for this Place, for All of Everything. I had just read that poem about worms, made the Cloth honoring them , and here, today.....WORMS.
the old man i used to take my tools to for sharpening in N Mex....he told me, when i lamented about no worms in the desert....he said no., no grace, they are there. They are Everywhere on this planet. You need to call them. You need to make it right for them. They will come.
so....playing it by ear here, in this granite garden of B, i have just done all i could imagine doing. I can't dig into the soil with a shovel. The rock and stone don't allow that. So i have brought buckets and buckets of manure and feed scrap, layered it on. Making small planting holes for things OR planting in pots. And as i emptied those landscape pots i saw that the roots of some of the plants had filled them and gone through the drain holes to dive into the stone earth below...where the roots must make their way in the crevices between to find LIFE that they need
How it Goes. Trying.
These two vibrant and ALIVE and , well, so vibrant and ALIVE....they are like a Kiss on the forehead....a YES
a Yes, grace, keep going. It's Happening. Keep Going.
and in the evening as i write this. That thing about the Intelligence in the Universe...wanting to communicate with us, "in however we can most find it"...Elizabeth Gilbert..... How could this be more perfect?
double click the pic. They are Glorious