the light , not so good. i'd put off going down to B. I took 2 naps. 20 min each. i stared at things. I messaged with Jenny. i ate things. and i put off going down to B where the storage tub is with 4 of the dolls, the fiber figures, the Beings, the........
so by this time, the light wasn't so good. But enough. I have a lot of feelings about them. More than i was willing to claim. I think about making another, for Alyssia. What does that mean? different things and one i thought....the faces were painted with oil paint. Paynes Grey and Mars Violet. When i write those words, Paynes Grey, Mars Violet, i can smell them, the turpentine. Then, i had all of my so loved Friend Marge's old tubes of paint. All bent and wrinkled. I left them in New Mexico on the shelf. Now, i would need to buy NEW tubes. But the smell is essential. The bodies were made of silk noil. also essential. The eyes, in the center, the tiny black glass czech beads. Essential. Where are they? Somewhere?
What does this FEEL like? Why does it feel how it FEELS
When you make the faces, the masks, you hold the wet plaster gauze in your hand, those strands of gauze, the "hair", draped over the fingers, you stay still for a long time, until they begin to hold their form, then wait longer, then, care FULL y ease them away from your skin. Back then i would place them on the wood stove. How could i do that now?