When in the archives, there was this. Next pic from the child at the creek. Spring, 2017. Some of you might remember. This is the reason i decided i could move from New Mexico. Only this. Otherwise i would have stayed. She had gone to visit an old par amour from the Navy. At this point they were just friends. But before going, she got a whole GYN tune-up. Good to go. 3 days. I kept Julian. And then there was this. So many decisions from the beginning. Yes...No...Yes...No...undecided and then the news of the Trisomy 13 markers rising up. But the ultrasound. We went round and round, She, Jenny, Me. and then, for whatever reason, Keep. It all being such an unknown, it all being so possibly such a difficult time. Time for me to go there. Offer what i could. no matter what.
and here i am tonight. A sleep over. We talk about kindergarten. She just tore toilet paper in strips and held them to her chin....a Goat Beard. Puppy has come in to lie on the foot of the bed. Tay farted. Here we are. May. an interesting month for me. a FREE month. but this time around, maybe not.