next to the valve that turns on water to B Garden. Second time in a week or so. These pine cones are the size of medium pineapples. Big. they are tough, woody fiber. at the base of the ....oh, eeeee, i have no words ...i need to research....but at the base of each segment are the pine nuts. You can see the torn off segments and then the oval shells of the pine nuts, the FOOD. Food also for the indigenous peoples here. Food for Emrie, maybe. Emrie's child. or Emrie's child's child. should that come to pass. Pine nuts ...what we BUY to make Pesto. New Mex, Pinion. Searching for a gathered cache of pinion nuts, gathered by animals....stolen.
who does this here? i suppose it is the squirrels...but they are not large squirrels...small Grey...? if not tho, who? It's an enormous lot of work. i might think porcupine, but probably not, they being rare now. So probably the squirrel. How amazing. The concentration, the ENERGY, the
what you do when you are hungry