but maybe it is a good thing. it underlines what it is to feel good about a day at the end of them? so i will let this remain the question till tomorrow when there will be a new one. and this Spiral...eee.... when i realized how late it had gotten, i
trying to choose, instead of letting the cloths choose and here we have it. 9 too short and all. 9 and 10 are only pinned. For looking. and again, eee. Not. but then again, maybe yes. to act as the example of how Not to be...making decisions that are not mine to make, hurrying, not honoring. Ok. Good enough. Begin again tomorrow.
*i clicked publish. went to see how it came through on the phone....it's very strange...colors are so Off. so it underlines things even more. Even more. Don't repeat if you can help it, grace. ok.