so...trying again. I NEED this post here. To mark the Space and Time. This was Sunday...and a Turning Point.
Turning Point.
all along, while i've been stitching the Spirals, i've kept two gallon zip lock bags just across from me on the table. like...18 inches away. One is for pieces i come across as i go through those Giant Cloth bags, the 13 of them, finding the components for the Spirals....pieces of cloth i love and want to keep close. a lot of them, there's only one small piece of. The other bag is just small small scraps, like an inch or something. but needing to be kept also. just because.
and as i have been reading Ways of Being James Bridle there has been fleeting urges to make a the "old" way, old being before the spell of the Spirals....a Picture Cloth.....but i still don't really want to do that anymore. And really...there's no time. The Spirals and the 3 quilts take ALL the SPACE of the much as i can give and still cook food, eat it, care for the Beings OutSide, READ, and with any warm day, work down at the B Garden, BE OutSide and attend to this growing Awareness of how stuff IS. How It's Presenting Its i am OF It All.
anyway....drinking the First Tea on Sunday morning, looking at that bag of loved pieces, i had the urge to take some out and did. And just moved them around together in front of me, pushing the lap top back and away, making space right in front of me and the
PLEASURE of that. the Enoughness of that. and suddenly i realized that it's the thing of Doing, me and the cloth, that i love and that i
don't need to stitch them together.
i can just do this...anytime i want to. create the collages and then
just put the pieces back into the bag for next time. that THIS IS ENOUGH to fill my need to be with the cloth, touch it, see its relatedness making some kind of Image Story. that this is Enough!
and that acorn bowl that has been in the candle holder with the pins and sharpener....impulsively set immediately calling it a prayer bowl.....about i don't pray TO any thing, how they really don't even have words, my prayers but somehow still are prayers and that little acorn bowl is perfect for this.
so...this is enough for now. it's a big Turning Point and i have marked it here enough and i type this with the fear that once again somehow it will suddenly all disappear and i'll have to wait again