Carefree Way. it was a little river.
searched Chogyam Trungpa on UTube found this. Crazy Wisdom: The Life and Times of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Full Documentary. In our wandering free association , me and Alyssia, often enough i say things about having come of age in the 60's, how it was so Beauty Full a time, so energized by possibility ...Change. culture, politics. the world. She is very aware and "educated" about my generation...on into how we squandered those days. and chose instead what has led us to this place we find ourselves today. She will watch it. One of the books on her bookshelf in her bedroom, the part that is my library, is Shambhala Sacred Path of the Warrior wherein lies that thing about Basic Goodness.
and the thought...squander. squandered. saying...i squandered my life. But then...did I? i have Her. I have Emrie. I have this Hill world.
the Owls are back tonight and some other being whose voice i cannot identify, have never heard before ...a kind of a deep loud as the owl....???? And the Tree Frogs. so many of them. This night of one day of Sun is so active. Rain returns tomorrow.
Crazy Wisdom: The Life and Times of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Full Documentary UTube