double clic as if you want to enlarge. See if it comes up correctly oriented
LATE Evening: Alyssia came...did as Typepad Team suggested....signed in incognito, ect. , and nada. It is not a corrupt cookie. I reported this to Typepad. So, waiting again.
there's so much i want to Journal here. it's been a week. the first time ever in many years and i feeeeeeeeeel it......i miss the Telling of the day
and maybe particularly because this is the tail end of the 77th year...important days and i also miss very much the companionship of the sharing. Without the daily Telling, it is very solitary here.
the image above began as a single curved line. As i read the Book, i would continue to keep the pencil moving, just moving. There was ZERO thought about what might come of intention at all.... just marks next to marks and at the end of the afternoon i had this. Looking....Looking.....Looking and finally realizing i was seeing the OWL that had come two nights in a row....a large owl. Reading about BRAIN the Thing of a Biological Brain, and experiencing here how this Brain that is substance inside my skull had partnered with my hand
I absolutely LOVE all this
and then Mind came in. Mind said things about Owl. how they are more than themselves, are the night, the forest, the whole of time, of life and death, are bird, flight, vision, talon, sound, language, secret, weight, impact, sharp, dense, and on
i want to try to talk about it here. The images sideways are difficult...they feel so uncomfortable....even if we can click them right....i don't know what to do