Timothy pellets. They used to get Alfalfa pellets. But the two wethers became two years old and it is no longer safe to feed Alfalfa as it can cause urinary tract issues in wethers and bucks. And since they run with the Doe s...... The first day or two of the switch there was hesitation but as it turned out, it's the SOUND of the pellets tinkling into their food bowls that they love. They have 3 bowls in the corridor. Evening feed i close off the corridor until i get the pellets into the bowls to avoid being run over by exhuberent Goats. Open the gate and they flood in. Pushing, shoving, maneuvering for position. Every day. 7 qts. Each bag of pellets is 50lbs. 6 bags fills this bin.
three string bale of Timothy Hay. Also used to be Alfalfa. each bale 100 lbs. We used to use Old Cowboy's truck for these and get at least 4 at a time. No longer can, is not Emissions compliant in California. Alyssia can bring 2 bales at a time in the back of her SUV. More frequent, less convient. This, both morning and evening. Mornings the most, evening to compliment the pellets. Like clockwork, well...actually, ClockWork. Between 9 and 10 am then between 5 and 6 pm. Every day.
E v e r y D a y. They browse this Hill, 6 acres of vegetation, dried leaves, twigs, seasonal, this time of year being more scarce. In spring and early summer, their hay lightenes up. But the times never change. They are Here. Right outside here. Staring, talking, waiting. Relying. Relying for a sense of All is Well. Every day. No matter where on this planet you live. This is how it is. Goats, Chickens. Every day. Same time, same station. Except during war.