i'll leave it again with no picture.
what i want to say here is difficult because i need to say it with so few words. But i also want to say it. So, i'll just try.
Yesterday when i arrived at Alyssia''s, Jenny was just outside there and said....How was your meeting?
but then immediately corrected to i know it's not a meeting, How was your Group? and i said something like, Intense and very Beauty Full and she was still "there", indicating, waiting if there was more, and i said my offering for the day was how i'd been thinking about Love. About Love as a verb. How i say Love Love and then more, I love you and what does that MEAN? to those i say it to and what does that mean really, to me? and she was still looking at me.....so i went on and said.....i used You as an example, saying something about how i have never figured out a way to love you, or, ........ express love that i think you are comfortable with, and at that point the kids burst upon the scene and we went on into the house
and i thought...uh~oh and then the day went on so Well. and there was less of ummmmm, the edgy humor that usually is present, and NO what we refer to as Sub Text to the exchanges and it was such a Good Good Day
and then..........today. They came to finish up the immediate things needing to be done in preparation for the Rain Season. Brought more bedding straw and put it in the Rain House. We talked it through and decided to bring the other calf hutch that was Sunny Ray's out and find a place for it in case there was a Goat needing shelter....OOna probably and she looked at the Thing that's going on with Oona's udder and butt hole which is a typical End Time thing occurring with old doe Goats. How do we want to deal with this and the conversation was Easy and Long and Slow and Gentle. She is pragmatic by nature but it was Easy and Long and Slow and Gentle and....when she called me to look at something, she called me MOM and not Graaaaace.
and this is what i want to say
if this were a perfect world in the way i might imagine it could be
there would be a World Wide Group Therapy. We would meet, ALL OF US, in our own little communities, but somehow also World Wide. on one day. every two weeks. When we would be our most authentic selves....no fear. trusting. and Wendy would facilitate. and just that. just that. could bring about change....where we all could become more easy and long and slow and gentle. and it would ripple out become many things. This i Wish today