when i looked the other night at the little leaf on the moon night light, i also saw this small glass vase in the background. It's for water when i use the Inktense Penciils. Saw how care less i've been...it was all clouded by calcification etc. and i stopped. Got the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar from way back in that shelf , filled and left over night. It is now all CLEAR and Beauty Full as it can be. It makes me happy.
Small things.
Moving into the next.
What i come away with from 2023. It's been an odd year. I just STOPPED doing some things. I could not say why...even to my self. and then....as fate would have it, that off handed "wish" became the Gathering at the Well. Beginning in July.
i would never have dreamed what it became and continues to BE .... which is what i bring into this New Year called 2024 ....which has become Everything. Radical Acceptance that has now also rippled spontaneously into Sacred Pause.
As i go along i am going to try more to give "examples" of what these terms mean to me So, the first here.....radical Acceptance, is the reality that we do , DO, have an aging herd of Goats and Oona is now the next who will be leaving us. She had begun to leave the herd some weeks ago....keeping distant at feed times, some from her own sense of things, some from being "bullied" by others. It's how it goes with Goats, a deep deep sense of well being of the herd..... a weak member draws danger to All. and then there was a wound to her udder. We thought. Do we call the vet....have her come and perform all manner of maybe surgical intervention, that MIGHT help but might not? that would mean holding her daily for wound care and antibiotic injections, which are no small trauma for a Goat OR do we do what we can to ease her, to topically care for the wound, be anti septic? She is one of the 3 eldest, old . Watch and assist how we can. those words...Quality of Life. This is all the more difficult in RAIN Season. They don't let her sleep in the Rain House, nor does she try to. WHERE THEN? she chose under the Goat Boat trailer and then...in these last days....under this Tin House....dear her....but she is dry every morning when i am dreading going out and not being able to find her...like Mercy but so far....every morning she is there.
i have begun feeding her separately.....hand feeding of a sort...i have the Alfalfa Pellets in a "tupperware" type container that i carry to where she is and hold while she eats and then a portion of grass hay and when the others catch on to what we are doing and try to interfere, we move to continue and move more if necessary. I sit or squat, quiet to do this and it has brought me
Sacred Pause
i have found self looking up and off into the trees...and over days have noticed more and more their sense of Breathing....and i link my own breathing to that....a still pause....just being ..... just nothing but the moment, the Trees the reprieve from the long days of Summer that required so much from them, now, just Being as Rain saturates the Earth
i still. still do not like being wet. do not like needing to accomplish things Wet...Cold.....i still whish things with her were not so but they are Those things don't change, but what does is the Acceptance of Life. on Life's terms. I more and more can just let to of my own "over lay" of it all and Be With It ..... as it Is. There is a great Release to this, a sense of Spaciousness and it's Good. I will pause here.
YouTube Tara Brach 12~27 Sacred Pause lead line we are lost in the trance of doing