needed a placket. Magic Buttons have weight.
i had off handedly wished for a Therapy Group to work through all i'd not become. said that and then in conversation here, we would need a facilitator and
Wendy, Wendy Golden Levitt, appeared Out of the Blue and said i'll do it. Gathering at the Well. We have gathered.
It's been one year. August, we begin a new round. While the world seems to be falling apart, we are mending ourSelves together, our Selves, eachOther and i begin this round with all my loose ends of
These two dresses are my "uniforms" for this. worn with Purpose. The Leaflitter dress with Magic Buttons The Michelle dress. As i wear them, i 'll know more.
Things are coming fast. When you learn how to Ask, it seems to happen like this. Things appear, things find themSelves, things Present in oh so singular moments, say LOOK! Here!, where i've been all along! Waiting for you!