for the second time the hottest day s ever recorded for Planet Earth this week
Alyssia brought a mist~er. it's up under the Morning Tree by the bench Jenny made where the kids make music. the 2 faux adirondack chairs. not far from the pile of logs from the fallen bough. Where one small and one larger lizard live. Even tho i wasn't planning to go there, i imagined they might like it so i turned it on.
the mourning doves came just before first light as usual calling back and forth to bring in the day and as i stitched those Kantha stitches lost in that repetition rhythm i realized that i was hearing that Whistle over and over...the wing whistle from the specialized feathers as air rushes through them on take off and landing at the mister. it's been 105.
and this morning i listen NPR about California's newest state park. Dos Rios is supposed to flood ~ it's a floodplain, recently transformed into California's newest state park. It opened this summer, emerging among the neverending rows of agriculture the valley is known for. It's a lush 2.5 square miles now bursting with hundreds of thousands of native trees, bushes and animals. River otters, beaver and water fowl. Dos Rios, named for the Tuolumne and San Joaquin rivers that meet at the edge is the first new state park in more than a decade." it goes on...i'd put it all here if i could, but you can go find it if you want to . I hope you do. it is also a place where the Northern Sierra Miwok tribe have created a 3 acre Native Use consultation with the Basket Weavers Association who " put together planting palettes of native a mood board for plants that would be beneficial to the habitat, but also for Indigenous medicinal and cultural practices."
NPR July 25 California's newest state park is like a time machine Jonaki Mehta, Christopher Intagiata and Alisa Chang
as the morning went along, it happened....the lizards .....back and first, hesitant but then not at all.
Beginning Monday the 29th, Joy Reid MSNBC 6pm for the entire week will devote her shows to reading through Project 2025 with and for us. one of the things proposed is to sell off public lands.